*** Astra Pro Changelog *** 2025-02-11 - version 4.8.13 * New: Search Widget - Added support to search icon from the icon library or using a custom SVG code. * Improvement: Enhanced coupon field in Modern Cart Layout to display error notices for invalid or empty coupon submissions. 2025-01-28 - version 4.8.12 * Improvement: Enhanced accessibility of the Search Widget by addressing form label issues flagged by the WAVE tool. * Improvement: Enhanced Astra Real-Time Add to Cart functionality to make it compatible with WooCommerce Subscription's Proration feature. * Improvement: Added hash-based URL functionality to toggle between login and registration forms. * Improvement: Enhanced Search Widget markup rendering to occur only when the widget is present in the Header Builder with Header Cover and Full-Screen Search options. * Fix: String Translations not working correctly for Astra Customizer settings. * Fix: Resolved layout breakage in Astra Mega Menu to ensure proper display for both normal and custom width. 2025-01-07 - version 4.8.11 * Fix: Resolved fatal error introduced in v4.8.10. 2025-01-07 - version 4.8.10 * Fix: Resolved an issue where the query loop block wasn't displaying dynamic content correctly in Site Builder with Archive Template. * Fix: White label is not working for the Astra menu panel strings. * Fix: Resolved undefined array key warnings for 'tablet' and 'mobile' in dynamic CSS PHP files when the blog Reveal effect is enabled. * Fix: Resolved color inheritance issues between Account widget menu, and transparent header. 2024-12-31 - version 4.8.9 * Improvement: Color settings synced with updated global color palette from theme. * Improvement: Added post-type specific cached style file generation for better compatibility with plugins like Toolset Post Type using the Astra File Generation option. * Fix: Resolved an issue where nested submenus incorrectly inherited hover colors from the parent menu, despite having separate hover colors set. * Fix: Resolved an error encountered when translating media in WPML while using the Astra theme and Astra Pro plugin. * Fix: Resolved a fatal error on the order page that occurred when a product was removed from the website. * Fix: Resolved misalignment issues for Mega Menu submenu items in RTL mode when using a custom width. * Fix: Resolved inconsistent variation selection for products with custom attributes in URLs. * Fix: Resolved RTL compatibility issue with Masonry layout by adding dynamic alignment detection. * Fix: Resolved an issue where the Template Source dropdown was missing for Mega Menu templates. 2024-12-16 - version 4.8.8 * Improvement: Automatically enable the 'Site Builder' module when Astra Pro is activated on new installations. * Fix: There is a gap between the above and below header when the sticky header is active with a custom width set to the site logo. * Fix: Resolved translation issues with Site Builder and Mega Menu strings. * Fix: Resolved an issue where `_load_textdomain_just_in_time` function was incorrectly triggered for the `astra-addon` text domain. 2024-11-26 - version 4.8.7 * Improvement: Remove broken links from Site Builder and replace with proper links. * Security Fix: Updated DOMPurify library to prevent potential tampering issues. * Fix: Resolved submenu toggle button issue in the mobile header with Omnisend plugin active. * Fix: Resolved a conflict with the Dokan plugin where the Customer/Vendor Registration Toggle becomes disabled. * Fix: Showing blank font option in account widget design and general section. * Fix: RTL compatibility issue with products sale badge on single product page. 2024-11-15 - version 4.8.6 * Fix: Resolved an issue with duplicated content appearing due to Site Builder layouts. * Fix: Inconsistent spacing in WooCommerce variation product classes by updating class name concatenation for cleaner HTML markup. 2024-11-12 - version 4.8.5 * Fix: Remove extra header white space when using tag codes in using Site Builder. * Fix: Undefined array key "blog-grid-resp" & Undefined array key "blog-grid" from addon classes files in some rare cases. 2024-11-11 - version 4.8.4 * New: Header Builder - Added Polylang option type to the Language Switcher widget for dynamic URLs. * Improvement: Mega Menu - Enhanced support for uploaded Image and SVG icons, allowing them to inherit color settings seamlessly. * Improvement: Added responsive column layout option for the blog archive page. * Improvement: Improved product image display case on the "My Account > Orders" page to ensure correct images for variable products and updates even after order edits. * Improvement: Added unique CSS class for each product variation button based on term slug or option value to allow independent styling. * Improvement: Increase the specificity of Mega Menu colors to avoid inconsistency. * Improvement: WooCommerce - Enhanced form field alignment when using the `Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce` plugin with Astra's Modern Checkout. * Improvement: Moved the product image hover effect to the WooCommerce Addon from the theme. * Improvement: WooCommerce – Display the product thumbnail image on catalog pages instead of the original image when the "Swap Image" option is enabled for Product Image Hover Style. * Fix: Resolved a conflict with the Login Logout Menu plugin that triggered a warning on the admin menu page. * Fix: Resolved issue where on single post autoload embeded video not appearing. * Fix: BBPress forum layout appears squeezed when Astra Pro is activated. * Fix: Site Builder - Vimeo embed not rendering frames when used with the Site Builder. * Fix: Resolved issue where 'Load More' button on product archive page became unclickable after multiple AJAX requests. * Fix: WooCommerce - Product Variation with buttons not updating the gallery image correctly. * Fix: Performance delays and errors due to Outdated Image Processing Library. 2024-10-07 - version 4.8.3 * New: Added option to disable quantity updater from WooCommerce mini cart. * Improvement: Site Builder - Added a filter hook 'astra_exclude_wrapper_hooks' to allow excluding the wrapper for specific hooks in site builder content. * Improvement: Header Builder - Language Switcher - Added Brazilian Portuguese language option. * Fix: Solved image display issue in variation product gallery by matching image URLs more accurately. * Fix: Site Builder: Editor width issue in the backend with Beaver Builder/Elementor for some hooks. * Fix: Search widget incompatibility with Polylang plugin. * Fix: Fatal error '"Uncaught Error: json_decode()' from addon classes files in some rare cases. 2024-10-01 - version 4.8.2 * Improvement: Accessibility - Improved product quick view modal & close button accessibility. * Fix: Site Builder - Astra Hooks settings do not save when the Custom Fields option is enabled from the preferences. * Fix: Sticky Header - Scrolling down makes menu text gets disappeared on mobile screens. * Fix: Astra modern cart layout styling conflicts with the Elementor cart widget. * Fix: Header Builder - Account Widget's login popup colors and font customization not working. * Fix: Widget font title not working on customizer and frontend. * Fix: Rendered 'vcard' classes for authors only when schema is enabled. * Fix: Ensure compatibility with Thrive Architect by preventing query reset during Thrive Architect layout edits. * Fix: Resolved a console error on mobile devices in the logged-out view when using the Account widget. * Fix: Resolved warnings reported by Woo Marketplace, ensuring compliance with coding standards. 2024-09-11 - version 4.8.1 * Improvement: Added functionality to allow the translation of strings stored in Astra's settings database. * Fix: WooCommerce - Astra Pro Quick View feature was not showing correctly at browser widths between 922px and 999px. * Fix: Sticky Header - Hide When Scrolling Down - Menu text colors were not applying when the "Colors & Background" module was disabled. * Fix: Sticky Header - Primary menu background color was being affected by extra menus, such as Menu 3, Menu 4, etc. * Fix: Sticky Header - Fixed sticky header not functioning with animation even when the Site Builder header layout is disabled. * Fix: Search widget was not functioning correctly on mobile devices for RTL (Right-to-Left) sites. * Fix: WooCommerce - Variation buttons in quick view are not functional if the product does not have gallery images. * Fix: Mega Menu - Disabling the submenu link causes PHP warnings if Mega Menu is not enabled. * Fix: Left and right padding not showing with the padded site layout. * Fix: Getting PHP warning 'Undefined array key "placeholder"' on the checkout page when WPFunnels Pro plugin is activated. 2024-08-20 - version 4.8.0 * Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_addon_enable_modern_checkout' to enable/disable the modern checkout feature. * Improvement: Made megamenu icon `alt` tags dynamic to ensure unique alt attributes for each image. * Fix: Improvements as per Woo Marketplace coding standards. * Fix: Sticky Header: Resolved an issue where the primary header would break when a custom hook layout was added using the 'before header' hook. * Fix: Mega Menu - While selecting the default color multiple circles are visible. * Fix: Resolved issue where Flyout width affected Full Screen layout for Off-Canvas in mobile/tablet views. * Fix: Site Builder - Resolved an issue where the custom header hides the default header. * Fix: Site Builder - Query Loop Block Preview Not Displaying in Block Editor of Site Builder. * Fix: Site Builder - Resolved issue where posts/pages were not displaying under display conditions on the site builder dashboard. 2024-07-01 - version 4.7.2 * Improvement: WooCommerce - Cart - Improved the vertical quantity updater style for a better user experience. * Improvement: Site Builder - Additional capabilities and options introduced on the dashboard's Site Builder page for better user experience. * Fix: Header Builder - Toggle for Desktop - Showing two menus on the desktop when sticky header animation is enabled. * Fix: Header Builder - Offcanvas - There was a glitch while closing the flyout in the responsive devices. * Fix: Blog Pro - Reveal effect conflicts with the Themify plugin filters. * Fix: Blog Pro - Blog post filter clashes when file generation option is enabled. * Fix: Mega menu not working with the secondary menu, when the primary menu is not set. 2024-06-18 - version 4.7.1 * Fix: Blog Pro - The blog's pagination buttons loads the new posts but it does not scroll to the top of the page. * Fix: Sticky Header - Sticky menu and submenu colors being overridden by Transparent Header colors. * Fix: Sticky Header - Logo disappear when Sticky Logo Width is not set manually. 2024-06-04 - version 4.7.0 * New: Header Builder - Added Sticky Header color options for "Logo SVG Icon". ( https://wpastra.com/docs/logo-svg-icon/ ) * Improvement: File Generation code improved for better PHP exceptions & error handling edge cases. * Improvement: Social share icon positions (left and right) now apply only to desktop to avoid overlapping with content issue on responsive devices. * Fix: Issue with 'astra_addon_woo_account_user_welcome_message' filter hook for WooCommerce account navigation. * Fix: WooCommerce - Ensure Attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks. * Fix: Site Builder - PHP Error with undefined property WP_Post_Type::$taxonomy from location ruleset engine. 2024-05-23 - version 4.6.10 * New: WooCommerce - Introduce new background color option for filter flyout. * Fix: Changing the logo width increase the logo height inside the customizer settings. * Fix: Site Builder - Layouts duplicating when multiple layouts are added on the page in some conditions. * Fix: Blog archive post filter issues with title and pagination. * Fix: Sticky Header - When UABB is activated and on window scrolling there is a glitch between site header and UABB created post grid layout. * Fix: WooCommerce - Fixed an issue causing the page to freeze when selecting product variations and ensured smoother image updates on product pages. * Fix: WooCommerce - Attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks. * Fix: PHP Error with undefined function bsf_extract_product_id in some edge cases. 2024-05-08 - version 4.6.9 * Improvement: Corrected Dashboard link navigation from Site Builder's UI breadcrumb. * Improvement: Duplicate navigation menu markup rendering for sticky header. * Fix: WooCommerce - Product gallery horizontal and vertical sliders not displaying variation images. * Fix: Legacy Header: Search widget is not visible on mobile device as last item menu with "Full Screen" and "Header Cover" options. * Fix: Shop Off-Canvas is not opening the product category dropdown. 2024-04-25 - version 4.6.8 * Improvement: Header Builder - Language Switcher - Improved accessibility by adding aria-labels. * Improvement: Spacing Addon - Code optimization to reduce extra conditions load & improve performance. * Fix: Sticky Header - Transition effect of headers and Account element's Login Popup alignment issue when Shrink Effect is enabled. * Fix: WooCommerce - Using "Use Labels as Placeholders" in the Checkout produces inconsistent results for required fields. * Fix: Old header menu styling conflicting with new header builder's header structure. * Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite scroll does not showing all products on the shop page. * Fix: Site Builder - Custom Template's headings don't have bottom spacing on the frontend. * Fix: Sticky Header - On window scrolling there is a glitch between site header and Spectra's gallery block. * Fix: Sticky Header - On window scrolling there is glitch between site header and Spectra's gallery block. * Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky Product Image is breaking UI on responsive devices. 2024-04-11 - version 4.6.5 * New: WooCommerce - Introduced "Sticky Product Image" option: This option allows the featured image on single WooCommerce product pages to remain visible as users scroll down the page. * Improvement: WooCommerce - Refactor header account login popup form. * Fix: Sticky Header - Transition issue with the Sticky header when the option "Hide when scrolling down" is enabled. * Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky cart color & hover styling is not working for cart price. * Fix: WooCommerce - With infinite scroll product load only when scrolling down to the bottom of the site. * Fix: WooCommerce - The lost Password page form doesn't look similar for logged-in and non logged-in user with modern layout. * Fix: Mega Menu not working properly between 922px - 938px screen width. * Fix: LifterLMS - Profile link was not working properly. 2024-02-12 - version 4.6.4 * Improvement: Improved accessibility of advanced headers by removing incorrect role="img" attribute. * Fix: Live Search - Browser autocomplete disabled when a live search is enabled to avoid search result overlapping issues. * Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite Scroll & page is not working when Elementor template is used. * Fix: WooCommerce - Pro addon conflicting with Essential Addon's Product Carousel transition property. * Fix: White Label - Help link present in the theme builder even after white label is enabled. * Fix: LifterLMS - Enable Course Meta option not working properly with the LifterLMS Blocks. 2024-01-24 - version 4.6.3 * Fix: Mega Menu - Page Builder templates looses their styling when used as mega menu content in v4.6.2. 2024-01-23 - version 4.6.2 * Improvement: Header-Footer Buttons - Added new option "Inherit" to Size to inherit global button stylings. * Fix: Single Post - Social sharing design customizer options has dependency of "Enable Author Box" option. * New: Introducing new "rem" unit support for font-size in customizer typography settings. * Fix: Performance - Slow query issue when too many menu items are used. * Fix: WooCommerce - Related product column setting not working for mobile devices when Up sell product section is disabled. 2024-01-09 - version 4.6.1 * Improvement: Page Header - Restricted the banner title area with layout-2 with page header. * Fix: Page Header - "Override the image with the featured image" option not working for single layouts. * Fix: Fatal error showing from addon side because user is using older Astra version and updated Astra Addon. 2024-01-04 - version 4.6.0 * BLOG IMPROVEMENTS (https://wpastra.com/docs/blog-archive-improvements/) * New: Blog - Introducing elegant Reveal Effect for posts appearance on archive & search results page. * New: WooCommerce - Introducing a new option to Reveal Effect for product archives. * SINGLE LAYOUT IMPROVEMENTS (https://wpastra.com/docs/single-post-improvements/) * New: Single - Author Box - Introduced new controls like Alignment, Background, Border, and Spacing for improvising the author box. * New: Single - Author Box - Introduced new Section placement and social Share option support. * New: Single - Post Navigation - Introducing new badge style for better visual appearance. * Improvement: Single - Moved the Author Box, and Social Sharing settings from the Single Post section to the new sub-sections under the Single Post section. * Improvement: Added customizer section shortcut link to Author Box section to quick access for better user experience. * Improvement: Author Box - Introduced new filter "astra_addon_author_box_heading_tag" to change the heading tag of the author box section. * Improvement: Author Box - Introduced new filter "astra_addon_author_title_heading_tag" to change the heading tag of the author name. * MISCELLANEOUS * Improvement: Performance - Removed legacy CSS for the spacing addon & managed spacing with the new spacing options. * Improvement: WooCommerce - Added a new customization option for the color of the cart icon when the sticky header is enabled. * Fix: Social Icons - Horizontal alignment does not work if Stack-On is selected. * Fix: Sticky Header - Background is not blurry on iOS devices. * Fix: Page Header - Background Image is not working on a single post. * Fix: Nav Menu - Menu items hover color not working as expected. * Fix: WooCommerce - Horizontal product gallery slider resizes in landscape mode for mobile devices. * Fix: Site Builder - Header Shrink effect does not work in Site Builder header layouts. * Fix: Site Builder layouts and page headers with untitled showing empty title space on front end admin-bar menu dropdown. * Fix: Site Builder - Issue with hooks not showing up in full width with Beaver Builder on the editor page. * Fix: WooCommerce - Unable to login with modern checkout when the password contains some specific symbols such as ampersand. * Fix: WooCommerce - On shop page sidebar collides when it's moved to the top of the screen on responsive devices. * Fix: WooCommerce - Quick view background color not applying to entire product details section when sticky add to cart button is enabled. * Fix: Nav Menu - Menu layout breaks on responsive devices due to default spacing added. * Fix: Page Header - Getting str_contains() deprecated notice from custom header with PHP 8.x. * Fix: WooCommerce - The Off-canvas Sidebar does not close with an outside click or ESC key. * Fix: PHP error for "Uncaught Error: class FLThemeBuilderLayoutData not found" when Beaver Themer is active. * Fix: Sticky Header - Sticky header active menu color is not working when the submenu is added. 2023-12-12 - version 4.5.2 * New: Introducing new "vw" unit support for font-size in customizer typography settings. * Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_fullscreen_modal_heading_tag' to change the Full-Screen search style heading tag. * Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - In modern checkout place order button missing a thousand separators. * Fix: Fatal error 'Attempt to read property taxonomy & name' from addon cache files in some rare cases. * Fix: Site Builder - Single templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper. * Fix: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Quick View Background option not working with Boxed layout. * Fix: Site Builder - Custom layout appearing on the frontend if any hook action is set but the layout is not of 'hooks' type. 2023-11-21 - version 4.5.1 * Improvement: WooCommerce - Declared HPOS Compatibility across the plugin to avoid incompatibility notice when WooCommerce Addon Module is disabled. * Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Form labels get hidden for Stripe payment method. * Fix: Mega Menu - Mega menu heading color option is not working on frontend. * Fix: Blog Filter - Banner visibility glitch with 'Post Filter' and 'Banner Layout 2' * Fix: WP CLI - PHP Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func()' while running WP CLI commands. * Fix: Submenu border width of old header footer builder causing site crashing issue. 2023-11-14 - version 4.5.0 * New: Introducing Site Builder (formerly known as Custom Layout). * New: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Quick View Background option. * Improvement: Custom Layout & Page Header meta data saving code improvements. * Improvement: Updated select2 library to 4.0.13. * Fix: Mega Menu - Links should not be crawlable when 'Disable Link' option is set. * Fix: Date-Box - Date Box stick at the corner of a post instead of the featured image which breaks blog UI. * Fix: Mega Menu - Mega menu heading normal and hover color is not working. * Fix: Top Border color & width not applied when mega menu width set to full width/full width stretched. 2023-10-23 - version 4.4.0 * New: Blog Pro - Blog Filter to filter categories and tags. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/post-filter/ ) * New: Header Builder - Search - Option to switch Light or Dark modal design for Full Screen style. * New: WooCommerce - Introducing a new cart shortcode 'astra_woo_slide_in_cart', which adds support for a slide-in cart feature. * New: Editor - Introducing Page Level Background Settings (Page Background & Content Background). ( https://wpastra.com/docs/page-level-background-settings/ ) * Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_social_rel_attribute' to change Social Share's "rel" attribute inside the post. * Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms. * Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Social Icon - Text decoration typography style for labels not working. * Fix: Custom Layout - Embed/YouTube block not working inside nested blocks. * Fix: Sticky Header - Menu color gets overridden by normal header primary menu color. * Fix: WPML conflicting with Profile language for translation. * Fix: WooCommerce - UAE Woo Product module conflicting with Astra infinite pagination. 2023-09-26 - version 4.3.3 * Fix: Custom Layout - Layouts missing on the frontend for logged-out users with update v4.3.2. 2023-09-22 - version 4.3.2 * Improved codebase for improved security. (Props - Patchstack) * Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms. 2023-09-11 - version 4.3.1 * New: Custom Layout - Option for dynamic content preview in single/archive template editor. * New: Header Builder - Account - Introducing new option for Account menu expansion "Hover" or "Click". * Improvement: Introducing filter 'astra_addon_cl_ast_container_fullwidth' to make flex based ast-container full-width to resolve edge cases like Custom Template shrinks on archive pages. * Fix: Header Builder - Account - PHP warning 'Undefined variable $css_output_desktop' while generating dynamic CSS. * Fix: Mailchimp for WooCommerce radio select option is not clickable when Modern Input Fields is enabled. * Fix: Custom Layout - Meta options modal's UI adding extra space after WordPress-6.3. * Fix: Custom Layout - Archive templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper. 2023-08-30 - version 4.3.0 * New: Custom Layout - Ability to create custom single & archive layouts like theme builder. * New: Introduced option to change Header logo color while sticky. * Improvement: Accessibility improvements for WooCommerce Pages. * Improvement: WooCommerce - HPOS Compatibility. * Improvement: WooCommerce - New Product Editor Compatibility. * Improvement: Introducing new admin notice for incompatibility of the theme. * Fix: Custom Layout - Spectra's dynamic CSS-JS assets loading even though the layout is disabled from the edit list. * Fix: Custom Layout - Layout hooked at 'After Single Product Summary' overlaps on the single product image and summary box. * Fix: Custom Layout - FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING deprecated notice. * Fix: WooCommerce - Elementor Pro's Mini Cart Widget Conflicts With Astra Mini Cart Widget. * Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Parsing duplicate ID error for 'primary-site-navigation' and 'ast-hf-menu-x'. * Fix: Header Builder - Account Login Popup's UI breaking when Sticky Header is active with Hide on Scroll option. * Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Divider elements missing from the settings when old astra-settings getting imported. * Fix: File Generation - PHP warning while accessing cache files on some servers. * Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin. * Fix: Compatibility with YITH Composite Products for Single Product Real Time Add to Cart. 2023-08-10 - version 4.1.7 * Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress-6.3. 2023-07-05 - version 4.1.6 * New: WooCommerce - Added Sale badge color change option for shop card modern design. * Improvement: Updated the license deactivation setting notification icon from admin panel. * Improvement: Loaded WP admin-bar related compatibility css only if user is logged in. * Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_font_line_height_unit' to adjust the unit for line height. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-fix-the-line-height-unit-being-converted-to-em/ ) * Improvement: Custom Layout - Improvised layout editor icons with better UI. * Improvement: Added font-size support till 200px in customizer typography options. * Fix: WooCommerce - Column setting not working on single product page for display recently viewed products. * Fix: Mega menu icon styling is not applying on tablet/mobile. * Fix: WooCommerce - Console error on checkout order review page. * Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout Order Review Page Does not Appear for Mobile/Tablet when the Modern Checkout is enabled. * Fix: Custom Layout - Edit layout Screen does not work with Beaver Builder when classic editor is active. * Fix: Custom Layout - Embed video block not working on front end. * Fix: Nav Menu - Mega menu not working with RTL language setup on the frontend. * Fix: License activation link not working on admin Custom Layout & Page Headers page. * Fix: Console warning regarding the incorrect use of